Functional Nanostructures and Advanced Imgaing Lab

Laboratory Overview

Glove Box

Sonication Bath and Spin Coater


ALD Chamber

Plasma Etcher


Solvent-Vapor Annealing System

Technion User Facilities

In our research, we use the following shared Technion user facilities:

The Center for Electron Microscopy of Soft Materials - https://emsml.net.technion.ac.il/

Using the following Electron Microscopes:

TEM Systems:

FEI Talos 200C

FEI Talos 200C, FEG-equipped cryo-dedicated high-resolution transmission electron microscope (TEM and STEM)

FEI Tecnai T12

FEI Tecnai T12 G2 Transmission Electron Microscope

SEM Systems:

Zeiss HR-SEM

Zeiss Ultra Plus High-Resolution Cryo-Scanning Electron Microscope (HR-Cryo-SEM)

Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Lab - https://chemeng.technion.ac.il/saxs-2/

The X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory - https://materials.technion.ac.il/x-ray-diffraction-laboratory/

The Zisapel Nanoelectronics Center - https://mnfu.technion.ac.il/

The Electron Microscopy Center at the Department of Materials Science & Engineering - https://mtrmika.technion.ac.il/

The Lorry Lokey Life Science & Engineering Imaging Center - https://isu.technion.ac.il/services-units/microscopy-imaging/